Employment Opportunities
Current Openings:
Bus Driver
Thank you for your interest in Emereau: Bladen, a North Carolina public charter school in Bladen County. The Emereau Foundation seeks to establish an exemplary learning community grounded in the principles of highly effective organizations as presented in our charter application:
“Emereau: Bladen understands and accepts that the path to school-wide “Educational Greatness” will require dedication, determination, consistency, and perseverance grounded in a belief that all students possess capacity, natural curiosity, and a desire for personal fulfillment. Emereau: Bladen’s role and obligation will be to create an educational environment where students, educators, and the greater learning community thrive.
Emereau’s K-12 instructional program, reflected in the Mission and articulated in the Formula for Greatness: E=i³c²g!, reflects twenty-first century research including and not limited to Creative Schools (Robinson, K., 2015); Go Blended (Arney, L., 2015); Disrupting Class (Christensen, C. M., Horn, M. B. and Johnson, C.W., 2011); Mindsets in the Classroom (Ricci, M C., 2013), Creating Innovators (Wagner, T. 2012), and Learning Through Inquiry: A Process (McCune, D. 2015). This research informs the Emereau learning environment: illuminate, investigate, innovate, cultivate, and celebrate.”
As you begin the Emereau: Bladen application process, please carefully review the following:
Emereau Mission
School Overview
Professional Academic Calendar
Frequently Asked Questions
North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards
Emereau Employment Application Process